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Monday, January 11, 2010

It's true

The local bike shop has expanded. Looks like they took out a wall an grabbed some square feet from the religious macrame scrap booking business. Another sign of the ever changing economy. I guess you can still do the God thing you just can't scrapbook about your Godliness.

The new shop really exposes the mechanic's area. I like it. Once I went to LLU an watched a surgery in the stadium seating OR. I was asked not to return because I snuck some Junior Mints to the operation. Back at the shop you can watch real mechanics working on bikes. You can talk with them and everything. Just remember that yellow tape on the floor is there for a reason. Step past the yellow tape and you will hear in the immortal words of Ludacris "get back motherfucker you don't know me like that".

On a related note have you noticed more flats on your rubbers. Are they making tires out of cheaper crap lately. Did cities stop sweeping roads, is global warming involved in this. I flatted twice on my trainer last week. The assholes on the DVD did not stop and wait. That is the last time I ride with those Carmichael pussies.

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