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Monday, April 26, 2010

Punch What ?

I have gone to the Devils Punchbowl road race twice in my life. I have no words that would accurately describe either of those two days. I did not leave any valuables there and I will not be returning any time soon.

On Sunday I salvaged the weekend by riding the highway 138 section of the upcoming Amgen Palmdale to Big Bear stage. Always fun to ride by yourself in the San Bernardino mountains. Good luck to all the Radio Shack boys.


  1. hey mark,

    it was nice riding with you on sunday, and making the event a little more doable. Thnks for the good pulls and the company. I was hoping to riding this event with you nxt year.. Hopefully, I will be 20 lbs lighter.
    The Devil Punchbowl is no joke!

    When I was driving home, I too was thinking about the Tour of Caliornia and how the Radio Shack boys will be having some fun on this stage. San Bernardino/Big Bear look so far away.

    Dana Pierce
    Vet of DevilPunchBowl

  2. Dana,

    Thanks for checking out the blog. Also for the motivation during the ride. Between groups is a tough place to be , I was going to fake a suncreen mechanical and drop after lap one.

    I learned Saturday I have CDA ( CYCLING DEFECIT DISORDER) Once I get dropped I really have no interest in the race, hopefully they have a cure that does not involve fitness.
