Over the last few months an increase in complaints regarding the rich folk from Redlands riding their $5,000 bikes up and down the streets of Riverside had reached epidemic proportions.
One woman living on Fillmore street had commented that her never ending garage sale had seen a decrease in sales because passer by motorists were forced to slow down and wait 8 seconds for a group of riders to pass.
Another motorist noted. What the hell is this county coming to? Bands of people getting together to exercise and cause my family to sit at a four way intersection and be delayed for our Saturday morning all you can eat IHOP feast. This is ridiculous !
The complaints were endless so something had to be done to return Riverside to the mecca of safety and family one thinks of when they hear the name Riverside. If I lived in Riverside I would sleep better knowing the renegade cyclists from Redlands are back in orange.
I suggest you take your spandex gang to MoVal.